Saturday, February 27, 2021

Limitless Dojo Student Showcase 2/26/2020

For the first time in 2021 and in six months I ventured out to a live pro wrestling event!   Friday February 20, 2021 The Limitless Wrestling presented a Student Showcase at Ronco's Sports Bar & Grill in Brewer, Maine.

Mikey joined Canaan and I on the ride up to north to go to the show.  We stopped at Roy's work to drop off some old wrestling VHS tapes of mine that Roy is going to clean and digitally covert for me.  After we grabbed some dinner at my favorite Bangor spot Chick-fil-A. We checked out Target and Mikey added a couple figures to his collection.  Then headed to the venue.

The matches took place on the second floor of Ronco's and was a decent sized building.  I can't speak about other wrestling shows that have happened since the pandemic started, however last night I felt they did things right.  The seats were spaced out and grouped based on how may tickets you ordered when they went on sale.  They greeted you at the door and brought you to your seats.  Everyone in attendance and on the staff wore a mask, except when the wrestlers were in wrestling.  Only once did I see two fans not wearing a mask and staff very quickly asked them to put them on and they did.  Everyone was respectful of each other and have a great time at the matches. 

Before the matches started they tolled the bell ten times to pay respect to our Cheryl-Ann Madore who had passed aware on Thursday the 25th. It was a really class thing for them to do.  

Quick Results

Mac Daniels pinned Konnor Hex

Alexander Lee pinned Jacob Drifter

Frank Jaeger pinned Alexander Lee

Aiden Aggro pinned "The Prize" Alec Price

Eric Johnson pinned "Fireball" Jason Maverick

Jessie Nolan pinned Dylan Nix

DangerKid pinned "Belfast Bulldog" Dave Dyer

Mac Daniels opened the show with a promo stating he didn't have an opponent that night, that he was better than any other student and even the trainers at the Dojo.  He asked for his payday so he could get out of there.  DangerKid came out, he told Daniels that he already had a match that night, but he had someone in the back that was ready to fight him. Bringing out Konnor Hex to fight Daniels. 

The main attraction was quite arrogant though-out the match.  Although Hex had the advantage at times there was no real threat that Daniels was going to lose the match.  He got the pin with the Magnificent Slam.  (I had accidentally misidentified it as the main attraction slam, however Jon Alba was quick to correct me)

Alexander Lee came out for his student open challenge cutting a promo on the trainees working as staff as no one had signed up for his challenge.  Jacob Drifter then came out leading to their match.  Lee dominated the match but Drifter was game and gave him a fight.  In the end Lee got the pin but took it too far and attempted to suffocate Drifter with a plastic bag.  

Frank Jaeger ran out making the save and challenged Lee to a match.  Lee eventually accepted the challenge and it started out as a wrestling match but it broke down into a fight.  It looked as though Lee was going to pick up another win but Jaeger reverse his finish into a high stack roll up for the three count.

Next up was the match of the night with Aiden Aggro vs. Alec Price.  Aggro came out to his Aumon Jordan music which was a nice throwback.  These two tore it up, going to the floor using the fencing to the bar for a spot were Aggro dove over it onto Price.  Price is a great hateable heel as he backs up his arrogance.  Aggro his as heluva kick on Price to get the three count.

Eric Johnson took on "Fireball" Jason Maverick in a battle of big men.  Maverick is the son of Joey Gleitz the former referee that passed away unexpectedly last fall.  I'm not sure how many matches he has had, but he looked good in the ring.  However it wasn't enough to put away Johnson away.

The Girl on Fire battle the Dweller of the Depths in the second student vs student match of the night.  Nix lost some weight and looked good, he was being the asshole tonight and I enjoyed it.  I think he needs to stick with it.  The match itself was good, the finish, which was a spear, looked more like a body block with Nolan getting the pin.  Mikey said that last week she busted a sweet looking axe kick, I was hoping to see that, maybe next time.

Main Event time with DangerKid wrestling Dave Dyer in a great match!  Dyer has really gotten better in the ring and worked very hard.  Hard hitting back and forth match that had some action on the floor, away from the fans of course.  Dyer picked up Kid for a powerslam and took out referee Eric Greenleaf with kids feet.  Dyer took the opportunity to hit Kid with a chair.  Kid powered back though to overcome the damage and get the pin.  I appreciated all the suplex that Dyer threw tonight, specifically a high angle Saito suplex. 

I gotta take my hat off to Eric Greenleaf who officiated every match of the night. 

I didn't take many pictures because I just wanted to watch the matches.  I imagine they will be released on YouTube and the Facebook page as Randy Carver and Ace Romero provided live commentary to the matches.

The Limitless Dojo returns with another student showcase on Friday March 26th back in Brewer at Ronco's.  I'll be there. 

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, read my other posts, and like my blogs Facebook page, check out my weekly podcast The Wrestling Insomniac on the Nerdy Legion Podcast Network and while your at it pick up my book over at Amazon in Kindle or Paperback.

Until next time!!


  1. Great review! I enjoyed this show a lot. Was great to see live wrestling again.

    1. Thanks for reading, I'm looking forward to going back later this month

  2. I found this after watching a match from the Student Showcase on the Limitless Wrestling YouTube channel. So I googled it and found this article. Great article on a really good show.
