Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Zack Sabre Jr's 1st IWGP Championship Reign

Zack Sabre Jr. is one of my favorite active wrestlers to watch today.  I have been a fan of his for many years and have written about him more than a few times in the past on this blog.  I've had the pleasure of seeing him wrestling live on a few occasions from the American Legion post in Orono, Maine to the world famous Madison Square Garden.  Every interaction I have had with him has been a genuine pleasure.

ZSJ started his 2024 losing the NJPW World Television Championship to Hiroshi Tanahashi at WrestleKingdom 18 at the Tokyo Dome.  At New Beginning in Osaka 2024 on February 11, 2024 he avenged his loss the Bryan Danielson pinning him in 33 minutes.  He regained the NJPW World Television Championship defeating champion Matt Riddle on April 12th in Chicago at Windy City Riot, then lost it to Jeff Cobb on May 3rd in Fukuoka, Japan.  One June 30th he defeated Orange Cassidy at Forbidden Door on Long Island, New York.

In the 2024 G1 Climax he finished the A block with 14 points, the most points achieved by any competitor in the tournament, going on the win the tournament submitting Yota Tsuji in the finals.  He is the first gaijin to win the tournament since Kenny Omega in 2016.  

Typically the winner of the tournament earns the right to face the IWGP World Champion at the Tokyo Dome, however Zack cashed in his opportunity on October 14 at King of Pro Wrestling 2024 at Ryogoku in Tokyo to win the championship.

Sadly, on February 11, 2025 at New Beginning in Osaka 2025 he lost the title to Hirooki Goto ending his run at just 120 day. 

During his all too short 120 days as Champion he successfully defended it four times including retaining it in two back to back Main Event matches at the Tokyo Dome.  

October 20, 2024 
NJPW Royal Quest IV London, England
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Zack Sabre Jr. defeated SANADA

November 4, 2024
NJPW Power Struggle Osaka, Japan
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Shingo Takagi

January 4, 2025
NJPW WrestleKingdom 19 Tokyo Dome, Japan
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Shota Umino

January 5, 2025
Wrestle Dynasty, Tokyo Dome, Japan
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Zack Sabre Jr. submitted Ricochet

After winning the title I don't feel NJPW promoted Zack as champion very well.  He was placed in the World Tag League with partner Ryohei Oiwa finishing in a five way tie for 4th place with only 6 points.  After the World Tag League he competed in multi-man matches with his TMDK stable mates with the only other singles match, besides those listed above, was a non-title victory over Hechicero at Battle in the Valley 2025 in San Jose, California.

I'm very thankful that I got to see him wrestle live as the title holder, granted it was in a tag team match and his team lost.  I was really hoping for a singles match that night in Lowell.

I don't think this is the only World Title reign for ZSJ, I am confident that he will be a World Champion again in the future and the greatest technical wrestler in the world will get the title reign that he deserves.  

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!  

Friday, February 7, 2025

My Grail Card - The Final Update, for real this time.

Welp, I thought the last update was going to be the final update and then I went ahead and sent my card off to PSA to get it graded.  I can now say definitively I have finally completed my grail card from the 1988 NWA Wonderama set, card #339 Four Horsemen.

Please read the past blogs to get the full story on this card, especially Update Part 2.

May 17, 2022: New Grail Card
February 11, 2023: New Grail Card Update

This was my first time submitting to PSA.  It was simple enough to do, but they do have strict instructions to follow.  I paid for the 20 day turnaround and I got my card a week early!  I was happy with my grade as well, 8 on the card and 9 on the auto.  The only other card that I'm aware of that is signed by everyone as mine is that is graded by PSA got an 8 on the card and 8 on the auto.

Purchased card on eBay May 9, 2022 cost $42.20
Arn Anderson signed June 10, 2022 cost $25
David Crockett signed November 26, 2022 cost $40
Lex Luger signed November 26, 2022 cost $40
Ric Flair signed January 15, 2023 cost $87.89
Tully Blanchard signed May 4, 2024 cost $40
JJ Dillon signed November 30, 2024 cost $25
Various Shipping Charges for mailing card: $23.40
Shipping to PSA: $14.35
PSA Fee and return shipping: $74.98

Total cost: $412.82

I don't know know if I'll ever submit a card to PSA again, I know many that do it because they treat their cards like investments.  Perhaps I should has well, but the cost of submitting can get expensive.  For me it would have to be a special card like this one.  I am tempted to find another once of these cards and get it signed again and possibly get a higher grade.  That is VERY tempting! 

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Marty Jannetty's Intercontinental Championship Reign

Marty Jannetty was an excellent wrestler and many say he was a victim of his own demons and it prevented him from climbing hire in the ranks of professional wrestling.  I'm not here to speculate about any of that, I'm here to write about his only singles title reign in a major promotion, the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Along side Shawn Michael's as The Rockers they had a successful tag team run in Central States Wrestling and the AWA where they captured the Tag Team Championships in both promotions.  In the WWE from 1988 until January 1992 when the team broke up after the infamous Barber Shop segment that saw Shawn throw Marty through the window.  This was supposed to lead to a match between the two at WrestleMania, however and arrest in January 1992 lead to Marty being released from the company.

He was brought back in October 1992 after his house arrest ended picking up wins over enhancement talent at TV taping.  Although primarily known as a tag ream wrestler Jannetty was a former two time Central States Wrestling Heavyweight Champion and even challenging Ric Flair for the NWA Worlds Championship on four occasions.

Beginning November 27, 1992 through January 23, 1993 Jannetty toured the house show circuit challenging Shawn Michaels for the Intercontinental championship coming up short at each encounter.
On January 24, 1993 Marty once again challenged for the Intercontinental Championship this time at Royal Rumble in Sacramento, California.  Once again Shawn Michaels retained his title.

In a backstage interview segment Jannetty attacked Michaels leading many to believe the feud would continue leading to a match at WrestleMania that year. However, Jannetty was accused of being intoxicated during the match at the Royal Rumble and was released shortly after.

On May 17, 1993 at the Manhattan Center in New York City on Monday Night Raw Shawn Michaels was in the ring being interviewed by Vince McMahon, Michaels said he would defend the title against anyone, anywhere.  Marty Jannetty then emerged from the crowd challenging Michaels who was forced into accepting the match.  He had returned to the WWE at house shows the days before losing matches to Michaels.

  Later in the night in just under 11 minutes Jannetty would pin Michaels with a small package to capture the championship much to the delight of the the crowd.

Jannetty's title reign would only last 19 days until June 6, 1993 when he lost the title to Michaels at a house show in Albany, New York.  In total he defended the title 7 times with 6 successful defenses, with only 1 televised defense. 

May 21, 1993 Hershey, Pennsylvania, House Show
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty pinned Papa Shango with a roll up

May 31, 1993 Manhattan Center, New York, Monday Night Raw
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty with Sensational Sherri defeated Bam Bam Bigelow with Luna Vachon by count - out

June 1, 1993 Sioux Falls, South Dakota, House Show
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty pinned Shawn Michaels

June 2, 1993 Sioux City, Iowa, House Show
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty pinned Shawn Michaels

June 3, 1993 Des Moines, Iowa, House Show
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty pinned Shawn Michaels

June 5, 1993 Minneapolis, Minnesota, House Show
Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty pinned Shawn Michaels

June 6, 1993 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, New York, House Show
Shawn Michaels with Diesel pinned Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty to win the championship

The June 6th house show was Kevin Nash's debut in the WWE as Diesel, and he aided Michaels in defeating Jannetty to regain the title.  I don't understand why he lost the title at a house show instead of on Monday Night Raw the next night.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Tommy Rich's NWA World Championship Run

Tommy "Wildfire" Rich made history on April 27, 1981 when he upset NWA Worlds Champion "Handsome" Harley Race to capture the championship.   He only held the championship for 5 days defending the title 4 times, 3 successfully.

April 27, 1981 Augusta, Georgia 
Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated NWA Worlds Champion: Harley Race to win the title

April 28, 1981 Macon, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

April 29, 1981 Columbus, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

April 30, 1981 Rome, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

May 1, 1981 Gainesville, Georgia
Harley Race defeated NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich to win the title

Tommy won the title on a Monday night and lost the title back to Harley on Friday night so he did not appear on television as the champion.  However on Saturday May 2, 1981 he was interviewed by Gordon Solie on the Saturday GCW show about winning, and losing the title with video clips of the win.  

He did cut a promo with Freddie Miller for Georgia Championship Wrestling during his title run. I'm not sure when it aired, you can find it on YouTube.

Harley Race, in an RF Video shoot interview stated the change happened to help Jim Barnett win a power struggle that was going on in the Georgia territory.

Why did Tommy win the championship, according to Jim Cornette he won the title for rewarding him for being the hottest territory babyface in the country at that time.  He generated high ratings on TBS television which allowed him to be booked out as a big draw in other territories.  Jim Barnett had so much power in the NWA he was able to sway the board for his one week title reign.

In an Interview with Hannibal, Tommy Rich stated it was Harley Race's idea to drop the title to Rich even leaving his $10,000 deposit on the title for the swap to happen.  In a You Shoot interview Rich stated that Jim Barnett had nothing to do with the change and that it was Harley Race's idea.

Rich winning the title was a major upset at the time when the title didn't change hands and when being the NWA Worlds Champion meant something.  It is an accolade that Rich has carried for his entire career.

Me with Tommy Rich, April 4, 2024 at the WrestleCon Supershow, at the ECW Arena

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time! 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Me With Wrestlers 2024 Edition

Here are the photos of me with wrestlers from 2024

February 4th Portland, Maine Mariners Hockey & EWA Wrestling, No wrestlers in this one I realize, but its the group of us that went to the game / matches.  Mikey & Jay, Me, Wesley, My Dad and Brother John.

February 24th with Gabby Forza at Limitless Wrestling, Yarmouth, Maine

April 3rd in Philadelphia at Sean Henderson Presents WrestleJawn with Bradford & Mikey 

April 3rd at Hunkamania Comedy Show with Ryan & Nic Nemeth, Philadelphia

April 4th Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, DEFY Wrestling with Gringo Loco

April 4th, 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, World of Stardom with Takuro Shibata

April 4th, 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Supershow with Tommy "Wildfire" Rich

April 4th, 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Supershow with George Napolitano

April 5th, Downtown Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Convention with Izzy Moreno

April 5th, Downtown Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Convention with Sabu & Bill Alphonso

April 5th, Downtown Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Convention with The Grizzled Young Vets: James Drake and Zack Gibson

April 5th, Downtown Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Convention with Sting

April 5th, Penn's Landing Philadelphia, after TJPW with Miyu Yamashita

April 5th, Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, Joey Janela's Spring Break 8 with Emil Jay

April 6th, Downtown Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, WrestleCon Convention with buddies Matt Dalakas & Mikey

April 6th Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, after GCW vs. TJPW with ROH Women's Television Champion: Billie Starkz

April 6th, 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, with Bradford and Mikey before the WrestleMania on closed circuit

April 13, Limitless Wrestling with Paul London, Yarmouth, Maine

July 20, Limitless Wrestling with Ashley Vox, Yarmouth, Maine

July 26, Waldo Theater, with Kathleen Edwards, Waldoboro, Maine

September 20th, Worcester, Mass at Big Time Wrestling with Jay & I with Sting

September 21st Limitless Wrestling with Maggie Lee, Yarmouth, Maine

September 28th Portland House of Music with Will Turner & Georgie Fuller from The Heavy Heavy, Maine

October 26th Limitless Wrestling Jet Wei & Kodai Nozaki Yarmouth, Maine

November 8th, Lowell Memorial Auditorium with IWGP World Champion: Zack Sabre Jr

November 8th, NJPW at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium with Walker Stewart

November 8th, NJPW at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium with Jay & Mikey

December 7th NSPW: North Shore Pro Wrestling with Trevor Lee, Quebec City, Quebec

December 7th NSPW: North Shore Pro Wrestling with Stu Grayson, Quebec City, Quebec

December 7th NSPW: North Shore Pro Wrestling with Loue O'Farrell, Quebec City, Quebec

December 14th, Limitless Wrestling with B3CCA Yarmouth, Maine 

December 14th, Limitless Wrestling with Calvin Tankman Yarmouth, Maine

December 17th, NXT at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium with The D’Angelo Family, North American Champion: Tony D'Angelo, Adrianna Rizzo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, and Luca Crusafino

December 17th, NXT at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium with Ethan Page

More than wrestlers I realize, but it's my friends and a couple concerts we went to as well. In 2025 I'm going to make it a point to take more photos with Indie Wrestlers.  

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Raw the Netflix Era thoughts

 I've been a fan of wrestling and the WWF / WWE my entire life.  I don't have a memory of the first time I watched wrestling, my Dad was a fan and so I have always watched.  My first live wrestling show was June 4, 1989 at the then Cumberland County Civic Center in Portland, Maine.  In the main event "Macho Man" Randy Savage with Sensational Sherri defeated WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan by count-out.

Unlike many my of my friends growing up I never waivered in my fandom of Professional Wrestling.  I've always had collection of wrestling memorabilia, t-shirts, and once I got my license going to live shows, even traveling out of State to attend them.  I've been to the big 4 WWE PPV's, WCW shows, TNA, Ring of Honor, AEW, New Japan Pro Wrestling and numerous Indies.

From the 1980's to today I've watched all the wrestling on TV that I could find, traded tapes back in the day to get wrestling from Japan and Mexico, and at technology has progress streamed my wrestling.  Today we have the capability to watch more wrestling live from around the world than ever before.

Through all of this I have been a fan of the WWF/WWE, was a day 1 subscriber of the WWE Network and subscribe to Peacock now.  While WWE has not always been my favorite flavor of wrestling to watch, I still watched.  

However these last few years their weekly television show have become unwatchable to me.  Smackdown would have moments of greatness but Raw, each time I try I'm disappointed. Their format of their show has become to cater to the casual fan, I don't care about 20 minute promos, and long talking segments, I just want to watching wrestling matches.  The bell to bell in the ring action is what I care about.

I was hyped for the Netflix launch of Raw on January 6, 2025, advertised a WrestleMania caliber show, and for me it was not.  There were 4 matches on the show that ran just over 3 hours and total in ring time was 62 minutes and 28 seconds.  That leaves two hours of commercials, showing celebrities in the crowd and talking segments.  From the end of the women's title match it was 25 minutes before the Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso match started, and after 2 minutes they went to a commercial break. 

What's so frustrating and discouraging to me is the promotion I have loved my whole life I can't stomach watching any longer.  I have friends that LOVE the product and think every show is amazing, and I guess good for them, but I can't see how they like it so much.

I will continue to follow what is happening on Raw & Smackdown, watch clips and select matches that I'm interested, and I will watch the "Premium Live Events" because that is where the best matches usually take place even those tend to frustrate me with their long segments between matches.

I'm just not the WWE's primary demographic any longer.  Thankfully for me my choices for alternative wrestling is practically endless.  Not to mention, I can always go back and watch the extensive history of wrestling and classic matches I have access to.  

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 4th at the Tokyo Dome

The history Tokyo Dome opened on March 17, 1988 and just over a year later on April 24, 1989 New Japan Pro Wrestling promoted the first wrestling event at the venue.  In 1992 NJPW began what would become an annual tradition as the Dome hosted the first January 4th show entitled Super Warriors in Tokyo Dome and saw IWGP Heavyweight Champion: Riki Choshu defeat Greatest 18 Club Champion: Tatsumi Fujinami to unify the titles.

For the last 33 years New Japan has transformed this annual show into their biggest show of the year.  2007 was the first year that it was called WrestleKingdom and that name has held ever since.

I've often talked about WrestleMania IV being the first time I watched WrestleMania live and I've never missed watching Mania live since then.  Since 2015 I have not missed a live WrestleKingdom or January 4th show.  In 2015, New Japan in a partnership with Jeff Jarrett WrestleKingdom 9 was available on PPV live in the United States.  From 2016 to today I have watched it on New Japan World.

From 2003 to 2014 I would find a bootleg copy of the show on VHS or DVD and later a torrent download.  In 2008 TNA Wrestling released the DVD Global Impact Japan which had 7 completed matches from the WrestleKingdom II that involved the TNA wrestlers. After getting New Japan World I went back and watched all of the January 4th show.

It's rather refreshing knowing that show is going to be held on the same day every year instead of waiting for the shows to be announced.  For instance WrestleMania's date has varied from as early as March 14th in 2004 and as late as April 20th in 2025.

Since 2015 if I am schedule to work I have taken a vacation day so I can watch the event live as it happens.  Spoilers were easier to avoid a decade ago, not so much today.  This year, 2025, January 4th fell on a Saturday, and because at 3am Eastern  Time, pre-show at 2am.  I got up at 2:45am and watched the event live, it was an excellent show overall, was very happy to see Zack Sabre Jr. retain his title in the main event.

I took a nap so I could be rested for Wrestle Dynasty, a joint show between with NJPW, ROH, AEW, CMLL, Stardom, & DDT PRO being represented, also taking place at the Tokyo Dome.  With the time difference, the Wrestle Dynasty Pre-show actually started at 10pm Eastern Time on January 4th! So after watching AEW Collision I switched over to New Japan World.  Wrestle Dynasty was a better show than Wrestle Kingdom this year.

I've long been a fan of New Japan Pro Wrestling their style and presentation and I enjoyed them much more than WWE.  Their partnership with Ring of Honor was the best part of ROH.  I was excited when AEW came along and their eventual partnership was New Japan made them even more appealing.  I like wrestling better that tell their stories in the ring and not with 30 minute talking segments. 

Originally Wrestle Dynasty was supposed to mark New Japan's return to Madison Square Garden on August 22, 2020, but covid killed that.  My buddy Jay & I fully planned on going, but it was cancelled before tickets event went on sale. 

I will always got to New Japan if I have the opportunity.  I do hope to one day be in attendance at the Tokyo Dome on a January 4th.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!