Sunday, April 25, 2021
World Title vs. World Title
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Book Update
I got the proof copies of my upcoming book; Limitless Wrestling: The First Five Years from Amazon and having them in hand makes it so real. I must say I'm extremely happy with how they came out. The margins look good, the photos look great and it's so big!
I've made some edits already and got some positive feedback from those that have had a chance to look at it. I got a copy to Randy Carver, Limitless owner, and he seems to really dig it. He's going to give it a good look through and check it for some accuracy.
I'm still debating what I'm going to charge for the book. If I want to see it on the extended marketplace with Amazon I have to charge a certain amount for it. I'll probably charge a bit less in person that Amazon. I've thought about printing some copies in color on premium paper but the cost of printing is over $30 and Amazon won't let me sell them in their store for less than $50. I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Anyhow I've very excited to be closer to finishing this project and am very excited to see what others have to say or if they'll sell well.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, read my other posts, and like my blogs Facebook page, check out my weekly podcast The Wrestling Insomniac on the Nerdy Legion Podcast Network and while your at it pick up my book over at Amazon in Kindle or Paperback.
Until next time!!
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Signed Trading Cards Steve Armstrong, Dana Brooke, Italian Stallion, & Jay Lethal
This set feature some recent through the mail success that I have had.
Steve Armstrong
I mailed these cards to Mr. Armstrong on March 2, 2021 and got them back on March 11, 2021. They are all from the 1991 WCW Impel Set, one the card with Tracy Smothers I got signed many, many years ago.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, read my other posts, and like my blogs Facebook page, check out my weekly podcast The Wrestling Insomniac on the Nerdy Legion Podcast Network and while your at it pick up my book over at Amazon in Kindle or Paperback.
Until next time!!
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Hello everyone, the reason I have not published in the last couple of weeks is for a few reason. I did a big final push on my Limitless Wrestling book finished sections, formatting the pages, spacing the book out, adding photo's and designing the cover.
It only took a sentence to describe what I did, but believe me it was not quick and easy, there was so much work to do! However, the proof copies have been ordered and I should have them in a few days so I can inspect them. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be happy with them but I guess I'll find out.
The intention the whole time was for the book to be in black and white, it's more cost effective, however I am considering doing a full color print run, the printing price is literally five times as much, but I feel like it will be gorgeous!
I did go to a wrestling show last Friday, March 26th, and I will get around to writing about it. I also started my new job which now has me in the office five days a week instead of working from home most days.
I have some partially finish posts in the wings and I'll be finishing them up soon.
Until next time!!