The blog doesn't get tons of traffic, I don't monetize it, this is just for fun. I started this because I was working midnight shift and I could work on this while at work between calls and it helped me get through the night. Now I'm on day shift and I find that I just don't have time. But I love professional wrestling with all my heart, and I love sharing that with others.
So if you've read a post on here, shared it with someone, or left a comment, thank you. Thankfully my good pal Brandon has posted a few things keeping the blog alive.
Limitless Wrestling returned to the Amvets Post 2 in Yarmouth, Maine for Practice What You Preach!
Once again the venue was sold out, something that I see Limitless Wrestling continuing to do after we get through this pandemic. I attended with my cousin Paul, Mikey, Roy, Carolyn and we met many other friends and wrestling associates there.
You'll have to forgive me as this show was a month ago so my memory may be a bit off.
Christian Casanova vs. Myron Reed
Outstanding match to open the show, better than their first encounter a couple months back. The fans were solidly behind Casanova as he continues to climb towards that one on one contest for the Limitless Wrestling championship. Casanova got the pin with dirty diana.
MSP Invitational
Maine State Posse: Danger Kid & Aiden Aggro vs. Demorest & Oswald Project vs. "Smart" Mark Sterling & VSK vs. Kevin Blackwood
Blackwood couldn't find a partner so he went at it on his own, which would ultimately prove to be his downfall. My first time seeing Demorest in person after watching him for years. He's got some wicked cool backyard wrestling videos on the YouTube. I'll tell you what, he didn't disappoint and I want Randy to bring him back every show.
This is the best I've seen out of Oswald, truth be told I haven't been a fan of his like others. However this reluctant tag team of Demorest and Oswald was great, and the double team moves these two did, which was just Demorest using Oswalds body to abuse both Oswald and their opponents were fantastic.
Everyone looked really good in this match but the finish came when Smart Mark stole the pin on Blackwood.
Trevor Murdoch vs. Atticus Cogar
I was so excited to see Murdoch in person, got him to sign a couple cards and got my picture made with him before the show. He's such a throwback to a 1970's wrestler in the vein of Harley Race and Dick Murdoch. Sadly I don't think the Limitless faithful appreciated the opportunity to see him in person.
I was also very happy to see Cogar in person, he has such a cool entrance with that face mask. I wasn't sure how these two would mesh, but it went well. One of my favorite parts of the match was when they were on the floor near us and Murdoch said "I told you if your gonna hit me then fuckin' hit me" before leveling Cogar. I told you, old school.
Murdoch pinned Cogar with a flying bulldog. I really want both guys to come back. More importantly though I want to see Murdoch vs. JD Drake in person!
Daniel Garcia vs. Ashley Vox
Great match! The crowd loves Ashley and hates Garcia. Garcia really beat the crap out of Vox through out the match, hard slams on the floor, tying her in knots in the ring.
Ashley fought back through and sunk in her fish hook finisher, but Garcia rolled through some how and rolled her up for the pin.
Two of my favorite ladies on the indies mixed it up for the second night in a row, but the first time in Limitless. This was a really fun match and I really enjoyed it. Kris Stat picked up the win, pinning Threat.
Independent Wrestling Champion: Warhorse vs. Rip Bison
I recall first seeing Rip as Tomahawk, who I enjoyed, but Rip Bison is somehow tremendously better. This was a hard hitting competitive match but in the end Warhorse retained his championship extending his reign.
JT Dunn & Alex Hammerstone vs. Josh Briggs & CJ Cruz
Hammerstone is huge! Dunn is very hated by the fans, especially after what he did to Rich at the last show. Briggs and Cruz worked together well at times, but it seemed like Briggs just wanted Cruz to stay in the corner and let him to all the work.
Cruz went for his Best Dropkick Ever but Dunn sidestepped him hitting him with death by elbow for the pin and the win for his team.
Post Match: Briggs walks out leaving Cruz on his own blaming him for the loss. Brian Fury saved CJ Cruz from a continued beat down by Dunn & Hammerstone. Fury challenges Dunn to a match at the next show.
Jake Something vs. "The Prize" Alec Price
I'm a huge fan of Price! Once again he put on a very entertaining match with an opponent that is much larger than him.
It looked for a moment that Price might get the win but Something hit the bossman slam for the three count.
Limitless Wrestling World Champion: Retro AG vs. "Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson
Limitless Wrestling World Champion: Retro AG vs. "Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson
The Dirty Daddy jump started this match when he nailed AG with a missile dropkick during his entrance. It looked like Dickinson was going to win the Championship but AG reversed a lateral press into one of his own for a quick three count.
Post match Dickinson hits AG with the Pazuzu Bomb and Kris Stat cut a promo on AG about challenging him next month.
Several matches were set up for the what was supposed to be the next show on March 21st, however a few days before it was cancelled. The next Limitless show is scheduled for April 18th, and sadly I'm guessing that, that show will be cancelled as well. Schools here in Maine are closed until April 27th. I would say at the earliest the next show would be sometime in May. Hopefully.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, read my other posts, and like my blogs Facebook page and while you're at it check out my weekly podcast The Wrestling Insomniac on the Nerdy Legion Podcast Network.
Until next time!
Long time reader, first time commenter. Big fan of the blog and would love to see it keep doing as long as you're willing & able to!
ReplyDeleteLove your perspective on wrestling both old school and current.
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Means a lot to me.