The Six Million Dollar Man
Season 3 Episode 16 & 17 The Secret of Bigfoot Parts 1 & 2
Aired February 1 & 4, 1976
Steve Austin is investigating the disappearance of two friends in California who were studying earthquakes and evidence suggests that a Sasquatch was involved. Bigfoot is played by Andre the Giant. Not only do these episode feature Austin fighting Andre's Bigfoot, but also space travelers!
Most people know that Andre the Giant starred as Fezzik in the Princess Bride but his first acting role outside of wrestling was on The Six Million Dollar Man. He also has guest parts on other shows such as: BJ & The Bear, The Fall Guy, The Greatest American Hero, Conan The Destroyer, Micki & Maude, and the 1991 Zorro TV series.
Are You Being Served?
Season 7 episode 5: The Hero
Aired November 16, 1979
After a disagreement between Captain Peacock and Mr. Franco of the sports department they were supposed to have a boxing match, however Captain Peacock chickened out and there were no boxing gloves to fit Mr. Franco. In the end Mr. Humphries ends up wrestling Mr. Franco, and of course the ring is set up on the sales floor.
Mr. Franco was played by English professional wrestler Jackie Pallo who was a top star on television in the 1960’s & 70’s with his feud with Mick McManus. Pallo also held the British Heavy Middleweight Championship for a time in 1969.
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