Monday, January 20, 2025

Tommy Rich's NWA World Championship Run

Tommy "Wildfire" Rich made history on April 27, 1981 when he upset NWA Worlds Champion "Handsome" Harley Race to capture the championship.   He only held the championship for 5 days defending the title 4 times, 3 successfully.

April 27, 1981 Augusta, Georgia 
Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated NWA Worlds Champion: Harley Race to win the title

April 28, 1981 Macon, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

April 29, 1981 Columbus, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

April 30, 1981 Rome, Georgia
NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich defeated Harley Race

May 1, 1981 Gainesville, Georgia
Harley Race defeated NWA Worlds Champion: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich to win the title

Tommy won the title on a Monday night and lost the title back to Harley on Friday night so he did not appear on television as the champion.  However on Saturday May 2, 1981 he was interviewed by Gordon Solie on the Saturday GCW show about winning, and losing the title with video clips of the win.  

He did cut a promo with Freddie Miller for Georgia Championship Wrestling during his title run. I'm not sure when it aired, you can find it on YouTube.

Harley Race, in an RF Video shoot interview stated the change happened to help Jim Barnett win a power struggle that was going on in the Georgia territory.

Why did Tommy win the championship, according to Jim Cornette he won the title for rewarding him for being the hottest territory babyface in the country at that time.  He generated high ratings on TBS television which allowed him to be booked out as a big draw in other territories.  Jim Barnett had so much power in the NWA he was able to sway the board for his one week title reign.

In an Interview with Hannibal, Tommy Rich stated it was Harley Race's idea to drop the title to Rich even leaving his $10,000 deposit on the title for the swap to happen.  In a You Shoot interview Rich stated that Jim Barnett had nothing to do with the change and that it was Harley Race's idea.

Rich winning the title was a major upset at the time when the title didn't change hands and when being the NWA Worlds Champion meant something.  It is an accolade that Rich has carried for his entire career.

Me with Tommy Rich, April 4, 2024 at the WrestleCon Supershow, at the ECW Arena

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Until next time! 

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