Monday, October 21, 2024

Blog Updates - 10/21/2024

Hey There!

I have updated the pages section of the blog.  I added a page with all the "Cost of Being A Wrestling Fan" posts together as well as updating the Signed Cards and Mike's Live Reports pages with links to posts on the blog.

I changed the background for the first time since the launch of the blog.  Previously it was a photo from Pro-Wrestling Illustrated from Jim Crockett Promotions War Games.  The current photo I took myself at my first ever Madison Square Garden wrestling show on March 16, 2018.  You can read all about it here: My Madison Square Garden Adventure

I have it in my head that any updates or posts I put on this blog have to elaborate and fill of picture and research, which has prevented updates as that takes a lot of time that I don't always have.  So I'm going to start posting simpler posts that just may be my thoughts on the show I just watched.  Sure I'll do some elaborate posts I just don't want to feel the pressure of every post being that way. 

That's about it I reckon!  

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

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