

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Signed Trading Cards: Robert Gibson, Abbey Laith, Kassius Ohno

In this final post of 2017 we take a look at the last signed trading cards that I got in 2017.  All these cards are through the mail success. 

Robert Gibson

This card is from the 1985 Wrestling Stars set.  I got it signed by Ricky Morton last year.  I mail this October 5, 2017 to Roberts wrestling school and got it back December 20th.  I previously got an NWA Wonderama card signed by Gibson at Carson's Pro Wrestling World in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Kimberly Frankele

This card is from the Topps WWE 2017 Women's Division.  This card is unique as after it was made her name was changed to Abbey Laith.  I mailed this card to the WWE Performance Center on November 1, 2017 and got it back December 19, 2017.

Kassius Ohno

This card is from the Topps 2017 Slam Attax trading card game.  I mailed this to the WWE Performance Center on November 1, 2017 and got it back signed on December 26th.  This is my third card signed by the former Chris Hero, you can see the other two here.

Lince Dorado

This card was made by the independent promotion Ignite Wrestling based out of Florida.  I had ordered a Martin Stone card from them to hopefully get signed next month at Limitless Wrestling and they sent this card along with it which was pretty awesome.

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Monday, December 25, 2017

The Last Match: The Moondogs

The Moondogs debuted in late 1980 with Rex & King teaming together under the tutelage of Captain Lou Albano.  Albano would lead the Moondogs to Tag Team Gold in March 1981 where they defeated Tony Garea and Rick Martel.  While still holding the tag titles Spot would replace King as champion until Garea and Martel regained the titles in July 1981.

The Moondogs had a big run in the USWA where they added Spike, Cujo and other to their ranks.  Also there have been multiple people on the independent scene that competed under the Moondog name, too numerous to cover them all here.  Because of that we will only be taking a look the most well known Moondogs.  It should be noted that one thing all Moondogs have in common is their attire.  Cut off jeans, big hair and large beard, and bringing a large bone to the ring with them.

Moondog King
February 6, 1991 WCW House Show Augusta, Georgia
defeated Mike Winter

Edward White debuted May 22, 1972 in his native Canada under the name Sailor White.  He became Moondog King when he debuted in the WWE in 1981.  He was replaced in the tag team when he was denied entry into the United States.  He passed away August 26, 2005 at the age of 56. 

Moondog Rex
August 21, 1997 IWA Mid-South Louisville, Kentucky
defeated War Machine #1

Randy Colley debuted in 1971 touring the territories before settling in the WWE.  In 1981 he became Moondog Hawkins later Rex and teamed with King to win the Tag Team Championships.  In 1987 he teamed with Bill Eadie as the original Demolition Smash but fans recognized him chanting Moondog at him so he was replaced by Barry Darsow.

Colley as Demolition Smash on right
Colley returned to the Moondog name and entered Continental Wrestling and later USWA winning the tag team championships with Spot. 

Moondog Spot
November 29, 2003 Memphis Wrestling Memphis, Tennessee
with Poppy Love was defeated by the Rock n' Roll Express: Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson in a Concession Stand Tag Team Battle Royal.  Other teams Alan Steel & Mike Money and The Lifeguards: Dustin & Scott Starr

Larry Booker debuted in 1979 as Larry Latham until becoming Spot in May 1981 replacing King as WWE Tag Team Champions with Rex as the Moondogs.  In 1987 he went to the CWA and later All Japan Pro Wrestling teaming with Spke in the Giant Tag Series. 

He wrestled several years in the USWA in many different versions of the Moondogs tag team.  Sadly he died in the ring from a heart attack during his final match on the A Night Fit For a King event.  He was 51 years old.

Moondog Spike
April 6, 1996 IWA Mid-South New Albany, Indiana
defeated Todd Rich

William Smithson debuted in 1978 as one of the many Infernos after being trained by Tojo Yamamoto.  He would wrestle around the territories as Dizzy Golden until 1991 when he began teaming with Spot as Spike for the USWA.  Together they feuded with Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jeff Jarrett earning Feud of the Year honors in 1992 from Pro Wrestling Illustrated and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

When Spot retired he continued the Moondogs teaming with Cujo winning the USWA Southern Tag Team Championships.  Smithson died March 21, 2013 at the age of 62.

Moondog Cujo
April 27, 2007 PMG Memphis, Tennessee
defeated The Barbarian at the Ultimate Clash of Legends

Larry Kean Jr. debuted in 1983 in his native Kentucky as "Luscious" Lanny Kean.  In 1985 while in the WWE he was renamed Cousin Junior a member of Hillbilly Jim's family.  After leaving the Fed he continued as Hillbilly Junior in the CWA.  In 1992 he joined the USWA as Moondog Cujo teaming with Spike for several tag team titles reigns. 

He finished up in 1996 wrestling as "Bloody" Ox Brody coming back as Cujo for one match in 2007.  He passed away on January 13, 2009 he was 48.

In my opinion the most successful Moondogs tag team was Rex and Spot who were nine time tag team champions in the WWE, CWA, USWA, and WWC.  In total the various tag team combinations are 21 time tag team champions in five promotions.

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

They Wrestled in TNA II

Part two of this topic takes a look at those who have either wrestled or just made an appearance in TNA that you may not have known appeared.  I was surprised to discover a few of them myself. 

Steve Corino
June 19, 2002 eliminated in Battle Royal Huntsville, Alabama
February 12, 2003 defeated Low-Ki by DQ Nashville, Tennessee
February 19, 2003 with The Sandman defeated by Raven & Low-Ki Nashville, Tennessee
March 12, 2003 with The Sandman defeated by Ron & Don Harris Nashville, Tennessee

The King of Old School made his debut at the first ever TNA Weekly PPV competing in the twenty man royal rumble style match for the vacant NWA World Championship.  He was eliminated by Brian Christopher.  Corino would later return to TNA in early 2003 for a month getting involved with fellow ECW Alumni The Sandman and Raven.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Moondog Spot
March 19, 2003 Nashville, Tennessee at the Fairgrounds

I can't even begin to try to explain this but on this episode of the weekly TNA Pay-Per-View "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Moondog Spot teamed up to defeated Mike Sanders and Glen Gilberti in under two minutes.

Super Crazy
March 5, 2003 Nashville, Tennessee at the Fairgrounds

Super Crazy came to town for a one night only appearance losing to Jerry Lynn.  You can find this match on YouTube.

New Jack
April 16 - July 16, 2003 Nashville, TN

New Jack wrestled in ten matches winning four of them.  In almost every match he wrestled in was a hardcore stipulation of some kind. New Jack with Mustafa also made an appearance but not in a match at TNA Hardcore Justice 2010. 

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

WWF at the LA Sports Arena December 17, 1988

I had to urge to watch some 1980's WWF but didn't want to watch a PPV so I headed over to the Old School section in the Vault of the WWE Network.  I quickly found this show and noting that it was exactly 29 years ago this day it was a no brainer and I fired it up.

WWF Live at the LA Sports Arena December 17, 1988

Commentary: Rod Trongard and "Superstar" Billy Graham
Live on The Z Channel

Boris Zhukov  vs. "Leaping" Lanny Poffo

Boris opened with the Soviet National Anthem and Poffo countered with a poem:

That Great Big Ugly Russian
Thinks he's worth a million bucks
He had better stick to wrestling
Cause his singing really sucks

Zhukov jumps him before the bell by Poffo quickly gains control before Zhukov takes a powder to the floor.  They worked side headlock spot where Boris had one on Poffo and held the hair to prevent from being wiped off and then Poffo used Zhukov's beard to do the same.

Poffo worked the left leg and knee during the match using a step over toe hold and standing ankle lock to wear the big Russian down.  Zhukov got the pin in about 13 minutes with a clothesline off the second rope.

Winner: Boris Zhukov

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Valentine is wearing the shinguard and Trongard referenced that it was to be called the Heart Breaker.  They spoke about it in great detail actually.  These two had some serious wars over the Intercontinental Championship just a few years before.

A really good and stiff back and forth match that went the 20 minute time limit.  I'm positive that after this match these guys felt this match.  It started slow and built and built leading to an exciting finish Tito slapping on the figure four just as time expired.

I think the WWE could benefit by returning to time limits in matches and have a draw once in a while to continue a feud.

Winner: 20 minute time limit draw

Bad News Brown vs. Jim Powers

I thought that this was going to be a squash match but surprisingly it wasn't.  Bad News tried to jump Powers at the bell but Power side stepped him.  Bad News left the ring a couple times threatening to walk to the back.  Powers managed to keep staying just ahead of News until he was bodyslammed on the floor.  News then worked him over for a few minutes punishing him with strikes and chokes until the ghetto blaster ended it at just about 11 minutes.

Winner: Bad News Brown

In Ring: While Powers was still in the ring Mr. Fuji came out annoucing that he had a new tag team The Powers of Pain.  He then kicked Powers then dropped kicked Fuji.  The Powers of Pain ran out and attacked Powers laying him out.

World Tag Team Champions: Demolition: Ax & Smash vs. The Powers of Pain: Warlord & Barbarian with Mr. Fuji

The match started after the commercial break with all four men starting until it ended with Ax and the Barbarian.  Typical big man match, except tag team edition.  Powers of Pain cheated a lot as they aer new founded bad guys, Demolition was on the unusual end having to sell as they are the baby faces.  Match was halted after six minutes when Fuji and his cane got in the ring and the referee disqualified both teams.

Winners: Double Disqualification

"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase with Virgil vs. Hercules

DiBiase jumped Hercules as he slid in the ring which didn't end up well with Herc sending DiBiase to the floor.  Hercules got quite the pop, which just goes to show how over the Million Dollar Man was as a heel.  DiBiase took over control of the match wearing the big man down but couldn't put him away.  Hercules made a comeback after DiBiase missed a series of elbow drops and then took a series of clotheslines and a powerslam.

Herc then stood over DiBiase talking trash and then paintbrushed him with several slaps to the face just like DiBiase is known for and the crowd ate it up.  Hercules locked in the full nelson, but DiBiase made it to the ropes and on the break Hercules accidentally hit the referee.  Hercules put DiBiase in the torture rack backbreaker and with the referee still down Virgil hit Hercules with his own chain in the abdomen.  DiBiase scored the pin at about nine minutes for the win.

Winner: "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

Backstage: Rod Trongard is with Slick and the Big Boss Man for a promo about their match.

Backstage: Rod Trongard said he was with Hercules Cortez who cut a promo about Ted DiBiase and Virgil.

Akeem the African Dream with Slick vs. Koko B. Ware

This match was 11 minutes of garbage.  Just terrible.  Koko didn't have Frankie, his offense was stick and move.  Akeem's offense was lumbering wear down holds like a long bear hug and slowing plodding around the ring.  Finish came when Koko went to dive at Akeem in the corner, he moved, and Koko ate the turnbuckle landing on his back where he was crushed by the 747 splash.

Winner: Akeem the African Dream.

Women's Champion: Rockin' Robin vs. Sensational Sherri

Sherri did a lot of jaw jacking with the fans before the start of the match.  I really enjoyed this match, it wasn't a five star classic by any means but you got to see the veteran in Sherri leading the rookie Rockin' Robin who had only been wrestling about a year at this time.  One of my favorite moments was when Sherri was being pinned and instead of kicking out she pointed to her foot that was on the bottom rope.

These two girls beat the crap out of each other and Robin got the pin in just over ten minutes with a wicked vicious looking bulldog.

I was pretty excited to see this match on the card.  I haven't seen a lot of Rockin' Robin matches in the WWE as most of her them were on house shows and not television.  Typically the match of hers I've seen the most is her title win over Sherri from Paris.

Winner: Rockin' Robin

Main Event
Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Boss Man with Slick

Boss Man tried to hit Hogan with the nightstick as he was getting into the ring so Hogan pulled him to the floor and proceeded to slam him into the ring posts repeatedly and even hit him in the head with a steel chair.  He rolled Bossman back in the ring and took the night stick to him before Slick jumped on Hogans back.  Bossman then accidentally splashed Slick in the corner leading to Hogan handcuffing Slick to the bottom rope outside the ring.  I guess this is no DQ?

Back in the ring Hogan would beat up Boss Man and then go to the floor and open hand slap Slick a couple times.  The fans were going insane for Hogan through all this.  Boss Man took control and uncuffed Slick.  Boss Man nailed Hogan with a piledriver and only got a one count.

Boss Man hit his finish, but it was awkward and the commentators called it a double clothesline that Boss Man got the better of Hogan on.  Boss Man hit a splash, Hogan kicked out on two Hulking up.  The big boot sent Boss Man to the floor who then pulled Hogan out posting him and handcuffing him with a cuffs that had a two foot chain.  Hogan rolled back into the ring with his hands cuffed still, Boss Man continued the offense, which the referee allowed.  Hogan eventually broke the chair and a clothesline and leg drop later Hogan won in about 13 minutes.

The pop when he won shook the hard camera.  And of course Hogan must pose.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Except for the Koko and Akeem match this was a very good show and a good audience that got into it.  If you haven't watched it it's worth your time.  I've always been a fan of Rod Trongard not because he's a fantastic commentator, but because his voice is amazing.  Also when I think of him it's his time in the AWA that comes to mind.

Checking with The History of WWE it appears that WWE ran five shows this day with two matinee shows including one in Oakland that featured the same exact matches as this show with one change in that Demolition won via pinfall.

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Friday, December 15, 2017

The Last Match: AWA World Champions

In this post we take a look at The Last Matches of former World Champions of the American Wrestling Association.

Verne Gagne

June 29, 1986 AWA Denver, Colorado
with Greg Gagne & "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka defeated Boris Zhukov, North The Barbarian, & Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie

Ten time AWA World Champion for a combined reign of 4,677 days

Gagne was a celebrated amateur wrestler including being an alternate for the 1948 US Olympic Wrestling team.  He turned pro in 1949 founding the AWA in 1960.  Gagne awarded current NWA Champion Pat O'Connor the AWA World Championship stating that if he didn't defend it against Gagne in 90 days he would be stripped of the title.  O'Connor didn't so the AWA awarded the championship to Gagne.

I recommend watching the WWE's documentary The Spectacular Legacy of the AWA for a detailed history of the Gagne and his promotion.  Gagne passed away April 27, 2015 at the age of 89.

Nick Bockwinkel

May 23, 1993 WCW Slamboree 1993, Atlanta, Georgia
wrestled Dory Funk Jr. to a 15 time limit draw

Four time AWA World Champion for a combined right of 2,990 days

To me Mr. Bockwinkel is the most sophisticated wrestler there has ever been.  His dress, his demeanor, his promo style, and even his in ring style displayed this in all footage I have ever seen of him.  Trained by Lou Thesz he debuted in 1955 and traveled around the country including feuding with Dory Funk Jr over the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

In 1970 he joined the AWA teaming with Ray Stevens being managed by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.  He won his first AWA World Championship on November 8, 1975 holding it for 1,714 days and during this title run he wrestled WWF Champion: Bob Backlund to a double count out in a unification match on March 25, 1979 in Toronto.  Bockwinkel passed away on November 14, 2015 at the age of 80.

The Crusher

February 15, 1988 WWE, Omaha, Nebraska
with Ken Patera defeated Demolition: Ax & Smash by disqualification

Three time AWA World Champion for a combined reign of 122 days

The first blur collar wrestler and arguable to most famous wrestler from Milwaukee The Crusher began his career in 1949.  The Crusher started as a heel, but in the mid 1960's became a babyface for the remainder of his career achieving a level fandom few do.  He had a very unique and entertaining promo style.  If you're not familiar take the time to YouTube some of them.  The Crusher died October 22, 2005 from a brain tumor at the age of 79.

Dick The Bruiser

February 4, 1988 AWA, Minneapolis, Minnesota
defeated Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie by disqualification

AWA World Champion November 12 - 19, 1966.

The Bruiser wrestled for thirty years starting in the mid 1950's primarily known for his tag team with The Crusher the duo are 12 time tag team champions.  The Bruiser also ran his own Indianapolis based  World Wrestling Association promotion from March 1964 until his death November 10, 1991 at the age of 62.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Signed Trading Cards: Ax, Ruby Riot, & Yuki Ishikawa

In this post we take a look at the most recent through the mail success I've had.

Demolition Ax

Both of these cards are part of the 1989 WWF Classic card set released by Game Time Inc.  The card on the left is a solo card of Bill Eadie as Ax.  The card on the right I was hesitant to mail out as it was already signed by Barry Darsow as Demolition Smash.  I was very excited to get these back and to finally have the card signed by both members of Demolition.

Ruby Riot

This card is part of the 2017 Topps WWE NXT sub-card set. I mailed this card to the WWE Performance Center and I got it back in the mail the day before she debuted on SmackDown Live so it looks like I mailed it off just in time.

Yuki Ishikawa

This card was released in 1998 by Baseball Magazine in Japan at the time Ishikawa was wrestling for his own promotion Battle Arts.  He is currently an instructor and coach at Santino Marella's Battle Arts Academy in Ontario, Canada.

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Friday, November 24, 2017

The Last Match: Legends of the AWA

In this post we take a look at the Legends of the American Wrestling Association.  These men may have wrestled elsewhere in their career, but when I think of them in my mind the AWA was there home.

Greg Gagne

May 4, 1991 AWA, Bloomington, Minnesota
with Wahoo McDaniel defeated The Destruction Crew: Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom

Gagne debuted in 1972 for the AWA the promotion that he primarily competed until his retirement in 1991.  He is a two time AWA International Television Champion and two time Tag Team Champion with Jim Brunzell as the High Flyers.

Larry "The Ax" Hennig

January 30, 1986 AWA, Peoria, Illinois
with Scott Hall defeated Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie & The Mongolian Stomper

The Ax debuted in 1963 for the AWA after being trained by Verne Gagne.  He traveled around the territories and had a successful tag team with Harley Race in the mid to late 60's.  In 1982 he held the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championships with his son Curt for 6 days from April 27 - May 1st.

Baron Von Raschke

February 10, 1996 Superstars of Wrestling  Princeton, West Virginia
defeated David Lynch

Raschke debuted in 1966 after being trained by Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon.  He held numerous championships around the territories.  His dreaded claw hold was censored on WWWF television for the blood it drew.  He headlined Madison Square Garden on March 28 and April 25, 1977 being defeated by champion Bruno Sammartino in both bouts.  A documentary on Raschke called The Claw is currently in post production, I'm looking forward to checking it out.

"Pretty Boy" Doug Somers

October 30, 2011 Rampage Pro Wrestling/ NWA Warner Robins, Georgia
defeated by Frankie Valentine in a First Blood match

I don't know a lot about Doug Somers but this is what I have been able to find.  He started wrestling sometime between 1971 - 1973 in Florida.  He wrestled for the Crockett's, Portland Wrestling, and the AWA.  In 1986 he began teaming with "Playboy" Buddy Rose in the AWA where they would go on to win the Tag Team Championships.  They would feud with the Midnight Rockers: Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels in Somers most famous march the bloody Las Vegas Showboat casino.

In 1989 he toured All Japan wrestling, WCW in late 1991, and the WWE in 1992.  He returned to wrestling after a 16 year absence in 2008 for a match and then more steady in 2010 & 2011.  I always enjoyed watching Somers in the ring he was extremely underrated and it would be nice to have learned more about his career.  Sadly Somers died earlier this year on May 16, 2017 at the age of 65.

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Welcome Brandon Myers

Please welcome Brandon Myers to the Wrestling Insomniac.  Going forward he will be a contributing his unique thoughts on professional wrestling as well as supplying live reports of events he's attended.

Be sure to check out his other blogs Video Store Counter and The 90's Horror Review.

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Later Readers!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Roy's Review: Chikara: Silence in the Library 11/17/2017

 Here is my review of Chikara's Silence in the Library on November 17, 2017 in Kennebunk, Maine.

Match 1: Oleg the Usurper defeated Hermit Crab
This match just didn't do it for me. The crowd was into Oleg though.

Match 2: Dez Pelton: Jasper Tippins & Donald Kluger defeated The Rumblebees: Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee
Not really much of a match. A good portion of it was Dez Pelton yelling Bikes, and The Rumblebees would respond with Bees. Solo Darling was pinned after a distraction from one of the Los Ice Creams, when the brought out a stack of pizzas and Huckabee was thrown into them. On a side note, Dez Pelton had Bryce Remsburg put on a bicycle helm and he wore it the entire match. It was pretty comical.

Ringside: Officer Magnum and a lady come out an put caution tape around the pizzas on the floor

Match 3: Rory Gulak defeated Icarus
Solid match here with a bunch of mat wrestling. I was surprised to see Icarus be able to keep up with Gulak on the mat. The end was bad. Gulak did a terrible reversal of a Sliced Bread #2 into a Dragon Sleeper for the win.

Match 4: Jeremy Leary and The Osirian Portal: Ophidian & Amasis defeated The Maine State Posse: Danger Kid, Aidan Aggro & Alexander Lee
Good match, a throw back to the old school Chikara trios matches. Lots of high flying moves. Lee took a Spanish Fly off the ring apron the was brutal. In the end Danger Kid was pinned by Leary after The Osirian Portal took out Aggro and Lee with suicide dives.

Match 5: Mr. Touchdown defeated Missile Assault Man
Decent match but I found my attention straying from the ring. They battled on the outside and there was a sick upper cut spot that needs to be seen. It was pretty sick.

Match 6: Xyberhawx 2000: Sylverhawk & Razerhawk defeated Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummles
Great match that was worthy of being the main event. Both teams were impressive. Defarge and Crummles do a great job of getting heat and playing old school heals. Defarge is awesome with his sick power moves. In the end Xyberhawx got the win after a stacked splash.

Encore Match: El Hijo del Ice Cream defeated Cajun Crawdad.
This was basically a dodge ball game and it was terrible

This show scored a 36.5 out of 70 for an overall score of 52.14%. This was a decent show with their show back on March 4th being slightly better. MSP had a great debut match and the main event was a great tag match.

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Title Changes Outside North America

On November 7th AJ Styles defeated Jinder Mahal to the WWE Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown that had been taped earlier in the day in Manchester, England.  It was the first time that the championship changed hands outside North America.

That got me thinking, how many other championships have changed hands outside the confines of North America.  Off the top of my head I could think of a few but not many.  I decided to look into it and this is what I discovered.

Active Championships

WWE World Heavyweight Championship

November 7, 2017 SmackDown Live, Manchester, England
AJ Styles defeated Jinder Mahal

WWE Intercontinental Championship

August 29, 1992 SummerSlam, London England
The British Bulldog defeated Bret "Hitman" Hart

November 13, 2006 Raw, Manchester, England
Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro

April 16, 2007 Raw, Milan, Italy
Santino Marella pinned Umaga

November 10, 2008 Raw, Manchester, England
William Regal defeated Santino Marella

NWA/WCW/WWE United States Championship

November 13, 1995 NJPW Tokyo, Japan
Kensuke Sasaki defeated Sting

November 13, 2000 Monday Nitro, London, England
Lance Storm defeated General Rection

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships

April 17, 2007 SmackDown, Milan, Italy
Deuce n' Domino defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick

April 19, 2011 SmackDown, London, England
Big Show & Kane defeated The Corre: Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel

November 6, 2017 Raw, Manchester, England
Cesaro & Sheamus defeated Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins

WWE United Kingdom Championship

January 15, 2017 Blackpool, England
Tyler Bate pinned Pete Dunne in a tournament to become the inaugural champion

NXT Championship

July 4, 2015 The Beast in the East, Tokyo, Japan
Finn Balor defeated Kevin Owens

December 3, 2016 NXT Osaka, Japan
Shinsuke Nakamura pinned Samoa Joe

Inactive Championships

WWE World Championship September 2, 2002 - December 15, 2013

January 9, 2005 New Year's Revolution, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Triple H defeated Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Batista, and Edge for the vacant championship in an Elimination Chamber match

WWE World Tag Team Championships June 3, 1971 - August 16, 2010

March 29, 1994 House Show, London, England
Men on a Mission: Mo & Mabel defeated The Quebecers: Jacques & Pierre

March 31, 1994 House Show, Sheffield, England
The Quebecers: Jacque & Pierre defeated Men on a Mission: Mo & Mabel

February 4, 2005 Raw, Saitama, Japan
William Regal & Tajiri defeated La Resistance: Robert Conway & Sylvain Grenier

November 13, 2006 Raw, Manchester, England
Rated RKO: Randy Orton & Edge defeated "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

September 5, 2007 House Show, Cape Town, South Africa
Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

September 8, 2007 House Show, Johannesburg, South Africa
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick

WWE European Championship February 26, 1997 - July 22, 2002

February 26, 1997 Raw, Berlin, Germany
British Bulldog pinned Owen Hart in a tournament final to become the first ever champion

September 20, 1997 One Night Only, Brigmingham
Shawn Michaels defeated British Bulldog

December 2, 2000 Rebellion, Sheffield, England
Crash Holly defeated William Regal

WWE Women's Championship September 18, 1956 - September 19, 2010

July 3, 1986 House Show, Brisbane, Australia
Velvet McIntyre defeated The Fabulous Moolah

July 9, 1986 House Show, Sydney, Australia
The Fabulous Moolah defeated Velvet McIntyre

October 7, 1988 Prime Time Wrestling, Paris, France
Rockin' Robin defeated "Sensational" Sherri Martel

November 20, 1994 Big Egg Wrestling Universe, Tokyo, Japan
Bull Nakano defeated Alundra Blayze

January 9, 2005 New Year's Revolution, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Trish Stratus defeated Lita

April 24, 2007 House Show, Paris France
Mickie James defeated Champion: Melina and Victoria in a triple threat match pinning Victoria

Melina pinned Mickie James after being granted an immediate re-match

April 14, 2008 Raw, London, England
Mickie James defeated Beth Phoenix

WWE Diva's Championship July 20, 2008 - April 3, 2016

April 12, 2010 Raw, London, England
Eve Torres defeated Maryse

WWE Hardcore Championship November 2, 1998 - August 26, 2002

May 6, 2000 Insurrextion, London, England
The British Bulldog defeated Crash Holly

May 1, 2002 House Show, Cologne, Germany
Goldust defeated Tommy Dreamer
Steven Richards defeated Goldust

May 2, 2002 House Show, Glasgow, Scotland
Shawn Stasiak defeated Steven Richards
Justin Credible defeated Shawn Stasiak
Crash Holly defeated Justin Credible
Steven Richards defeated Crash Holly
Shawn Stasiak defeated Steven Richards
Steven Richards defeated Shawn Stasiak

May 3, 2002 House Show, Birmingham, England
Crash Holly defeated Steven Richards
Steven Richards defeated Crash Holly

May 4, 2002 Insurrextion, London, England
Booker T defeated Steven Richards
Crash Holly defeated Booker T
Booker T defeated Crash Holly
Steven Richards pinned Booker T

WCW / WWE Cruiserweight Championship March 20, 1996 - July 22, 2007

March 20, 1996 NJPW Hyper Battle 1996, Nagoya, Japan
Shinjiro Otani defeated Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) in a tournament final

Shinjiro Otani

November 15, 2005 House Show Rome, Italy
Nunzio defeated Juventud Guerrera

November 22, 2005 SmackDown Sheffield, England
Juventud Guerrera defeated Nunzio

WCW World Heavyweight Championship January 11, 1991 - December 9, 2001

March 11, 1993 House Show, London England
Sting defeated Big Van Vader

March 17, 1993 House Show, Dublin, Ireland
Big Van Vader pinned Sting

WCW World Tag Team Championship January 29, 1975 - November 18, 2001

February 12, 2000 House Show, Oberhausen, Germany
The Mamalukes: Johnny The Bull & Big Vito defeated The Harris Brothers: Ron & Don

February 13, 2000 House Show, Leipzig, Germany
The Harris Brothers: Ron & Don defeated The Mamalukes: Johnny The Bull & Big Vito

October 9, 2000 Thunder, Sydney, Australia
Misfits in Action: Lt. Loco & Corporal Cajun defeated Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak

Later in the show: Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak defeated Misfits in Action: Lt. Loco & Corporal Cajun

November 16, 2000 Millennium Final, Oberhausen, Germany
Alex Wright & General Rection defeated Sean O'Haire & Mark Jindrak

WCW Women's Championship December 29, 1996 - September 20, 1997

September 20, 1997 GAEA Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Devil Masami defeated Zero in a tournament final for vacant championship

WCW Women's Crusierweight Championship April 7, 1997 - September 20, 1997

July 19, 1997 Yokohama, Japan
Yoshiko Tamura defeated Toshie Uematsu

September 20, 1997 GAEA Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Sugar Sato defeated Toshiko Tamura

ECW World Tag Team Championships June 23, 1992 - April 11, 2001

December 13, 1998, ECW/FMW Supershow, Tokyo, Japan
Sabu & Rob Van Dam defeated The Dudley Boys: Bubba Ray & D-Von

Active/Inactive titles with no Title Changes Outside North America

WWE Universal Championship August 21, 2016 - present

WWE Raw Women's Champion April 3, 2016 - present

WWE Cruiserweight Champion September 14, 2016 - present

WWE SmackDown Women's Championship September 11, 2016 - present

WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship September 11, 2016 - present

NXT Tag Team Championships January 23, 2013 - present

NXT Women's Championship April 5, 2013 - present

WWE Light-Heavyweight Championship December 7, 1997 - November 30, 2001

WW-ECW Championship June 13, 2006 - February 16, 2010

WCW Light-Heavyweight Championship October 27, 1991 - September 2, 1992

WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship March 18, 2001 - March 26, 2001

WCW World Six-Man Tag Tea Championship February 17, 1991 - November 30, 1991

WCW Hardcore Championship November 21, 1999 - March 26, 2001

WCW United States Tag Team Championship September 28, 1986 - July 31, 1992

ECW World Heavyweight Championship April 25, 1992 - April 4, 2001

ECW World Television Championship August 12, 1992 - April 11, 2001

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment, read my other posts, and like my blogs Facebook page and while you're at it check out my weekly podcast Podcast of 1,000 Holds on the Nerdy Legion Podcast Network. 

Later Readers!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Roy's Review: IWE Ultimate Survival November 4, 2017

Here is my review of IWE's Ultimate Survival in Brewer, Maine on November 4, 2017

Match 1: Kalvin Michael Strange defeated Elite Terrell to advance to the finals of the Live Wire Championship Tournament
There were a few awkward spots but overall a solid match and good win for Strange. I didn't expect Terrell to be doing double duty.

In Ring: Kennedi Copeland comes out and says that there aren't any females for her to wrestle tonight so she puts out an open challenge to any of the men in the back.

Match 2: Kennedi Copeland defeated The Dozer
This was a squash and good thing.

In Ring: The Captain brings out Alexander Lee and Adam Ricker for the Ultimate Survival man advantage coin toss. Like always the heel team wins the coin toss. This was a very uneventful segment.

Match 3: Todd Harris defeated Foxx Vinyer to advance to the finals of the Live Wire Championship Tournament
Good match that I really enjoyed. Great win for Harris considering the size difference and that Vinyer has made appearances with Ring of Honor. If this gets uploaded to YouTube check it out, its good.

In Ring: Todd Harris cuts a promo basically saying how great he is and that he is gonna win the Live Wire Championship next month. Kalvin Michael Strange comes out and stares down Harris while Harris makes fun of him. Then Strange tries to lock on a fujiwara armbar but Harris gets away.

Match 4: The Maine State Posse: Danger Kid, Aidan Aggro &Alexander Lee and The Street: Elite Terrell & Angel Cross and Big Moxie defeated The Station: Adam Ricker, Jason Rumble & Jimmy Limits and The Era of Violence: Rob Marsh & Bill Vaux and JP O'Reilly in Ultimate Survival

The this was a great match that went about 40 minutes. I love crazy brawls like this. The only drawback was that at times there was to much going on and I couldn't watch all of it. This match was a tale of two matches. The first half of the match they were basically wrestling until Jimmy Limits turns on The Station, brogue kicking them all which caused Adam Ricker to be eliminated. 

Adam Ricker is pissed and attacked Moxie a baseball bat getting him eliminated. Then Danger Kid freaked out at the referee and there should have been a DQ but then the referee said there were no DQs and all hell then broke loose. 

The fight went all over the place. They pretty much only used chairs but they made great use of them. Rob Marsh even teased tacks but for some reason they weren't used. At the end it came down to Danger Kid vs. JP O'Reilly and Bill Vaux. Kid got a quick school boy on Vaux and then quickly made O'Reilly tap out to become the sole survivor.

The order of entry for Ultimate Survival:
1: Jimmy Limits
2: Aidan Aggro
3: Bill Vaux
4: Angel Cross
5: Jason Rumble
6: Danger Kid
7: Rob Marsh
8: Alexander Lee
9: JP O'Reilly
10: Elite Terrell
11: Adam Ricker
12: Big Moxie

The order of elimination for Ultimate Survival
1: Elite Terrell
2: Jimmy Limits
3: Adam Ricker
4: Big Moxie
5: Alexander Lee
6: Jason Rumble
7: Rob Marsh
8: Angel Cross
9: Aidan Aggro
10: Bill Vaux
11: JP O'Reilly

This show scored a 25.25 out of 40 for an overall score of 63.13%. This was a great show and a great night of action. The bad was kept to a minimum and the good vastly outweighed it. Hopefully this show comes out on DVD because it would be worth buying not only for Ultimate Survival but for Harris vs. Vinyer. 

I'm really hoping that Todd Harris wins the Live Wire Championship. He is the most entertaining act that IWE has going right now and has improved tremendously as a wrestler since he first appeared in IWE. 

IWE returns in early December

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Signed Trading Cards: Solomon Crowe, Petey Williams, Jessicak Havok and more

These cards were all signed in person on November 3, 2017 at Limitless Wrestling "Hybrid Moments" at the Portland Club in Portland, Maine.  You can read my recap of the show here.

Solomon Crowe

This card is from the 2015 Topps Undisputed Wrestling Cards set that was released in Hobby Boxes only.  This card is from a subset called NXT Prospects and is officially Crowe's first card.  This card has five variants, black (99 cards), red (99 cards), purple (50 cards), silver (25 cards), 1 gold card, and 1 printing plate card.  This is a silver number 02 or 25.

I actually had two of the cards and gave one the Sami Callihan, the former Solomon Crowe.  Previously I had two cards signed by him at a Limitless Wrestling show in July.

Jessicka Havok

This card is from the 2017 Stardom Collection card set released in Japan by World Wonder Ring Stardom promotion.  I almost got my hands on another card of hers from this set but was outbid on ebay.

When I showed her the card she was surprised and asked "Where did you get this?" I told them Stardom produced it and she seemed a bit pissed.  Evidently she didn't know it even existed, she did admit the photo on the card was from a photo shoot she did with them, she had 8 x 10 versions, but still it would have been nice to know.

Petey Williams

This card is from the 2008 Tristar TNA Impact wrestling set.  Williams retired from wrestling in July 2014 and just returned in July of this year.  I had actually been trying to find contact information to mail him some cards and hadn't had any luck.  I was surprised that Williams wrestled on this show considering he was booked to compete at the Bound for Glory PPV two days later in an Ultimate X Match.

Jordynne Grace

This card is part of the independent Missouri Wrestling Revival series two card set.  Brian Kelley has produced some great cards over the years with cooperation of the wrestlers featured.  For a lot of wrestlers this is their first and sometimes only trading cards.  He has complete sets of both series and some single cards.  You can find them here on his website.  Cards are only $2 each and are high quality and well worth it.

Jordynne wanted to makes sure that I knew it was an old picture and an old card.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Limitless Wrestling: Hybrid Moments 11/3/2017 Live Report

Friday November 3rd Limitless Wrestling returned to a capacity crowd at the Portland Club for Hybrid Moments:

Originally this show was slated to take place at the Westbrook Armory, however just two weeks prior to the event Limitless was forced to change venues because of a rescheduled Military event now taking place there.  Limitless moved to the Portland Club, a venue they had run earlier in the year the only downside it is a smaller building cutting potential ticket sales by 75 tickets.

Canaan, Alex, and I got down to the venue at quarter past five because I wanted to get street parking close by as I had to go to work after and wanted to be able to make a quick getaway after the show.  The only thing that bugged me was when we got in there wasn't enough seats for us in a row in the front row to sit together.  There are six of us that get front row and three that get general admission and we like to seat near each other and we couldn't.

VIP get's in early and for the $15 more per ticket getting a picture with and autograph from Matt Cross, although he's cool, it wasn't worth it to me.  Because I take my son that translates to an extra $30 which is a lot.  Personally I think VIP and Front Row should get in early with the VIP advantage being the photo and autograph with whoever the selected wrestler is.

Also Teddy Hart was supposed to appear and wrestle Josh Briggs, but he was unable to attend due to a court appearance in Texas stemming from an incident last year.  Promoter Randy Carver has promised when Hart is available he will come to Limitless to face Josh Briggs.

One last thing, the lighting in there was terrible and a lot of my pictures didn't come out very well because of it.  Here are the best of what I got.

Lets get to the show!!

Ace Romero pinned Sami Callihan

I tweeted that I couldn't wait to watch these guys kick the shit out of each other and I was not disappointed at all!  Ace is just getting better with every passing match he wrestles he can move unbelievably for a man his size.

The match started out explosively and the fast pace didn't let up.  Callihan even managed a death valley driver and a body slam which was impressive!  Ace got the pin with his versions of a black hole / boss man slam.

Jordynne Grace pinned Jessicka Havok

Havok was advertised for the Six Way Scramble but Grace who had no advertised opponent came out and challenged Havok one on one.  No complaints at all from me because these two girls put on a hell of a show and really went at each other.

This was my first time seeing them both live and they did not disappoint! Stiff wrestling both in the ring and on the floor with back and forth action.  Again they were really laying it into each other but in the end a Grace pushed Havok up on the second rope and threw her down with a powerbomb for the pin.

Josh Briggs pinned Darby Allin

Allin substituted for Teddy Hart and Briggs let him know this early.  I think a lot of people were surprised with just how good Darby is.  Evolved has put a could mini-docs featuring him on their YouTube page and you should go check them out.

This was just a damn good match!  Allins athleticism flying around the ring with precision is much more impressive live.  Briggs can move for a big man and you should take advantage of the opportunity to watch him now before he is in NXT.

I want to see Allin back in Limitless no doubt about it!

The Thick Boys: Jon Silver & Jay Freddie defeated The Maine State Posse: Alexander Lee & Danger Kid 

The Posse drops another match this time without Aggro.  The first three matches were so wild and crazy that I felt bad that for the first half of the match the crowd was regrouping and wasn't reacting well.  Decent tag team match with the Thick Boys getting the win with their double team finish where both members of the team pinned Alexander Lee, which is an illegal pin.

Post match Joey Eastman came out and offered his managerial services to The Posse who declined, so Eastman called them a bunch of losers and teased that Aggro wasn't there because of that.

Matt Cross pinned Petey Williams

A lot of people there were excited for this match, four were there specifically for Matt Cross.  These two veterans started off slow and let the match build to a crescendo with Cross getting the pin.  At one point during the match Williams had Cross in a single leg crab that transitioned into an STF, then crossface, then rings of Saturn before Cross made it to the ropes for the break.

When Williams was announced for the show I said I hope he doesn't do a Canadian Destroyer.  The reason for that is because it's become the most over done highspot in indy wrestling, everyone does it and it is no longer impressive.  Mikey, Roy, and others insisted that there was no way he wasn't doing one.  My second caveat was is if he does it then no one on the card should be able to.  Well not only did not one on the card do one, but Williams didn't either!  He teased it but never hit one and people were pissed!  HAHAHAHA, I love it!


Maxwell Jacob Friedman submitted Jonathan Gresham 

This match had more comedy than I expected it would, but also fantastic mat wrestling from Gresham.  Surprisingly though Freidman got the submission victory with his modified arm bar.  I say this in every report that I do but Friedman must be the best heel on indy's right now. He is so friggin good, quick on the mic, and is not afraid to be a chicken shit.  I enjoy him thoroughly.

Friedman would not release the submission until Matt Cross made the save.  He then challenged MJF to a match on January 19th.

"Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson pinned Cam Zagami

Zagami came out for this American Grit open challenge, music started and everyone looked towards the entry way when Dickinson hit the ring from behind in his street clothes to a monstrous ovation!  He leveled Zagami then hit a pazuzu bomb kicking Zagami to the floor after while soaking in the thunderous "Dirty Daddy" chant.  He then grabbed the mic to cut a promo and said "I fucking forgot that this was an actual match" so he pazuzu bombed Zagami for the three count.

Now post match he cut a scathing promo on Eddie Kingston, about him being afraid to wrestle him, that he was going to hurt him.  Honestly I couldn't tell if he was shooting or not.  He challenged Kingston to a match January 19th when Limitless returns to Westbrook.

Christian Casanova pinned Ethan Page

Before the match Stokely Hathaway came out and propositioned Casanova to join the Dream Team, he did.  Page and Casanova had a great match, Page dominated the majority and when the ref got in the way he ate a boot in the face.

Casanova was going to cheat when Mr. Grim came out to a big ovation.  He then attacked Page joining the Dream Team.  Casanova leveled Page with a chain and got the three count.  Post match the Thick Boys ran out making the save preventing Grim and Casanova from laying in a beat down on Page.

Scramble Match: Terra Calaway defeated Skylar, Willow Nightingale, Davienne, Kennedi Copeland, & Ashley Vox

Ashley Vox replaced Jessicka Havok in this match.  As always with the six way scrambles there was a great mix of styles and talent in the ring.  It was a fun match with one particular scary moment when Willow Nightingale was going for a moonsault from the second rope to the floor and it looked like the rest almost didn't catch her.  Made my stomach flutter.

Calaway got the win with a pin on Copeland, was surprised to see her get the win.  I would like to see them all comeback, but I'm partial to Miss Nightingale.

"All Good" Anthony Greene wrestled JT Dunn to a double count-out

Greene came to the ring first flanked by two flunkies that stood between him and the fans, it's was hilarious! This was a great match!  Dunn took out both flunkies and then Greene jumped him from behind.  They battled all over the floor and then finally got back into the ring when the ref called for the bell.

The match then went a direction I wasn't expecting, not that it wasn't good.  It culminated with the ref getting hit in the dick, then AG hitting Dunn followed by Dunn hitting AG so all three were rolling around holding their junk.

Then the match went where I thought it would.  Dunn hurt his knee, AG took advantage working it for several minutes, Dunn's comebacks were thwarted by his knee until he finally managed to work through the pain.  Dunn never stopped selling the knee even after the match, I appreciate that.  We had a series of false finishes and then both men were on the apron where Dunn nailed a tombstone piledriver on the ring apron and then both thudded on the floor.  The ref started the 10 count and Dunn almost made it back in but AG prevented him ending in the double count-out.

Post match the flunkies attacked Dunn, Ace Romero made the save, Dunn didn't appreciate it.  Josh Briggs came out attacking Romero tossing him to the floor, then did a dive over the ring post onto the floor onto everyone.  He then said that he was the Ace of Limitless not them and challenged them to a fatal four way match in January.

At intermission I got a few cards signed and had really great interactions with Jessicka Havok, Sami Callihan, Jordynne Grace, Matt Cross, & Petey Williams.  Limitless was dealt a tough hand with the venue change only a short time before the show and did a great job pulling it off.  I wasn't a big fan of this building simply because it's not big enough, other wise it's a great venue.

Limitless Returns to the Westbrook Armory Friday January 19, 2018, already advertised:

The debut of Deonna Purrazzo

The return of "The King of Taunts" David Starr

Matt Cross vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Chris Dickinson's challenge to Eddie Kingston

Fatal Four Way: Josh Briggs vs. Ace Romero vs. JT Dunn vs. "All Good" Anthony Greene

Sincerely if you like wrestling or even if you don't and are looking for a great time you need to come to Limitless Wrestling.

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