

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Cost of Being A Wrestling Fan: More Than Mania Expenses

 Here is a special post just looking at my More Than Mania weekend of Expenses.

These are all my expenses related to this weekend prior to April and going on the trip, I've talked about these in previous posts. 

Below are my expenses of the actual trip itself and the grand total of monies spent before and during the trip, and I'm going to break them down into categories

Autographs & Photo Ops: $879.09

Tickets & Admissions: $596.13

Hotel $1,168 - my share $396

Meals & Snacks: 196.67

Merchandise / Cards: $159.33

Gas: $169.50 - my share $56.50

Parking: $113 - my share $41.83

Tolls: $86.30 - my share $28.76

I can't believe I spent that much on Autographs and Photo Ops, It really shocks me because I thought I was being pretty strict but I guess not.  Tickets and Admissions seems about right because everything had a bit of an inflated price because of where we were and the weekend.  My food bill for 5 days being roughly $200 is pretty dang good for essentially having to eat out for all meals.  I did bring some soda, crackers, and other snacks with my that I didn't calculate the cost of into this trip, probably $30 worth.

Gas, hotel, parking, and tolls is the biggest expense, but having other to split them with is very nice indeed!  Once we got to Philly we did very little driving mileage wise from venue to venue but just under 1,000 miles is impressive.

I had a blast, you can read all my other blogs about this trip and see some photos, thoughts, and moments.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book Limitless Wrestling: The First Five Years, or any of my other books as well.  

Until next time!

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